........ Welcome!

my name is lavender! or lav :) they/he 20 lesbian white genderfluid socialist communist learning cosmetology hair design student . i have autism eng/esp. tweet in english 99% of the time. él/elle multifandom mostly kpoptwt (loonateen) current main interests: loona, seventeen madoka magica higurashi fromis_9 fx magia record virgo sun scorpio rising virgo moon infp type 4 (5 fix) i am a punk/goth and i have a pet ferret <3 i adore everything lavender (scent taste color flower etc) hence my name. i'm a bassist and a riot grrrl! i really love mahou shoujo loonateen horror sapphic media and also weed lol

........... BYF

i mostly talk about loonateen right now but my acc is not exclusive to anything♕ i hold celebrities accountable and am critical of my interests. i do not condone anything offense my fav groups may have said. if the groups i like have done anything insensitive, please don't hesitate to let me know, i do not worship idols or see criticism as hate
i don't care if you're ot_ whatever for any group. if you have a valid reason to dislike an idol i respect that and i'm not gonna tell u who to stan or how to feel
i care about politics and i will tweet about it. i am a riot grrrl, intersectional feminist and socialist learning communist theory. i would love to talk about theory and learn :) feel free to dm me i run block chains and block very heavily so if ur blocked don't take it personally!! if u message me i'll usually unblock i'm not always great at checking my replies/dms and i have a hard time with social cues but i promise i don't do it on purpose ! i enjoy talking to everyone, plz talk to me
i am very open to criticism and feedback if anything i say or do makes u uncomfortable feel free talk to me!!
i do NOT support or stan amber liu, wendy, giselle i probably won't follow back if u are under 15 or over 29 madoka magica and loona are my special interests :) i am very passionate about them!! DO NOT FOLLOW !! racist homophobic transphobic ableist conservative centrist anti feminist anti BLM anti ACAB or a terf/radfem etc. i don't like you proshipper fujoshi sexualize minors or seriously ship real people harass or start petty drama over kpop refuse to admit when ur fav fucked up or hate any of my main interests especially loona stan stray kids. if it is a minimal interest that's fine. defend or support lucas ravn or woojin

........ Interests

loona + seventeen + fromis + fx (ults)semis: ONF GWSN everglow secret number ladies code

choerry & yeojin loona
joshua & dk seventeen
saerom & nagyung fromis_9
sulli & victoria fx (since 2014!)
j-us & etion ONF
seokyoung & lena GWSN
mia & onda everglow
moon sua billlie
jiyoon weeekly
isa stayc
taeha berrygood
jinny secret number
eunb ladies code
sakura lesserafim
kyujin nmixx
momo & jeongyeon twice

roa pristin/hinapia
luda wjsn
seulgi red velvet
winter aespa
yeonjun txt
chaeryeong & lia itzy
yena izone
sua pixy
riku niziu
wonhyuk elast
seoho oneus
rina & lua weki meki
jungwoo bvndit
rei ive
yujeong lightsum
jerin beautybox

.YES i stan a lot of groups YES i am mentally illchoerry joshua sulli and saerom are my ults!casuals: jiwoo kard (solo) eunha (solo) lovelyz snsd cherry bullet dia shinee pritti-g intergirls kara ichillin nine muses ses baby vox woo!ah apink triples. i love 2nd gen ggs & nugu ggs animanga: madoka magica higurashi magia record tower of god revue starlight bungou stray dogs soul eater flip flappers kimetsu no yaiba no. 6 evangelion dorohedoro rwby elfen lied nana lain love live sailor moon junji ito & more

↓ click for more! ↓

........ Friends

my lovely friends <3
w102 haley max ellia lamar jay holden matteo aspen tay christian amber
benny alicia marieno andy ira lochlan genie frank
axel oliver carmen alana
ash herb soso rainn mithai shima krissy zee lex
fairy becca kaylin xochitl
chai abi finn caesar
nic ren
venus crow bug j cecil ally flynn soren marcelo max riot luma eliza suzy suzie mari mieya
if u are reading this, i give u a big smooch

........ More

video games: kingdom hearts fire emblem splatoon final fantasy puyo puyo the world ends with you magia record rpgs in general other music: bikini kill bay faction joyce manor bratmobile haze heavens to betsy the cure queen chimera dba james mage tears soccer mommy indigo de souza beabadoobee computerwife girls rituals devi mccallion black dresses newgrounds death rugby heart to gold arcadia grey worst party ever the sonder bombs mars argo sleater kinney mannequin pussy sidney gish vira misc: aloe juice <3 lavender flavored/scented foods and products. punk goth riot grrrl diy intersectional feminism ferrets weed bassenjoy your stay <3